Mineral refers to the metal iron amount of iron dissolved in the acid, i.e. the difference insoluble minerals and certain variants of total iron iron silicate (epidote and chlorite) in the iron content. According to the terminology of the Ural Branch of the Mineral Processing Research and Design Institute, iron combined with anhydrous oxides and hydroxides and carbonates is a metal mineral iron. Iron as an oxide and carbonate mineral compound is called metallic mineral iron; and iron of a silicate mineral compound is called non-metallic mineral iron or iron silicate. When there are several types of gangue-bearing iron ore minerals with iron grade lower than the best iron grade in the ore, the metal mineral iron grades are higher or lower from the iron grade to the various minerals or groups of minerals according to the same formula. Calculated in turn. The iron content of metal minerals is a characteristic of the quality and quantity of ore. They determine the value and potential indicators of the metal in the ore in the national economy. Therefore, it is called the industrial iron grade of ore. The industrial iron grade of the ore is determined by the likely conditions for the full recovery of all iron-bearing minerals, regardless of the level of beneficiation process used. At the same time, in the practice of iron ore beneficiation, the beneficiation method adopted can only guarantee the recovery rate of various individual varieties of iron ore minerals. In this case, the full recovery of individual variants of iron ore minerals depends on the process characteristics of the ore and the beneficiation process employed. For many iron ore minerals, the method of recovering them into concentrates has not been studied, so they are lost along with the tailings. Considering the situation, the metal mineral iron grade in the ore is divided into recyclable metal mineral iron (α и ) and non-recyclable metal mineral iron (α H ): α и =α P K c Where K C — considers the recovery factor (or perfection factor) of modern beneficiation processes. The carrying factor depends on the mineral composition of the associated minerals and the significant change in the dissociation of the commensurate as the size of the grinding decreases and the separation of the associated minerals from the recoverable minerals (see table below).
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The definition of the metal mineral iron concept cited is based on the conditions of chemical analysis and mineral analysis and the conditions for the partial or complete separation of iron-containing silicates into iron ore non-metallic minerals.
The term itself does not include potential mineral processing possibilities, technical and economic indicators of metallurgical treatment methods, and does not consider the rational use of mineral or silicate components for iron ore smelting of metals.
The definition of metallic mineral iron is not only a process concept, but also an economic concept that takes into account the nature of the ore, the process parameters of the ore dressing process and the metallurgical process, and the economic effects of using the ore during its smelting.
According to the above situation, the metal mineral iron is the amount of metal in the ore. This part of the metal is recovered by a certain metallurgical method or other methods at a modern production level, which is technically possible and economically reasonable.
The definition of non-metallic mineral iron is similar to that of metallic mineral iron. It is the amount of metal in the ore. This part of the metal is recovered at a modern production level by certain metallurgical methods or other methods, which is technically impossible or economically It is unreasonable.
Therefore, the decisive factors for the concept of metal mineral iron and non-metallic mineral iron are the economic effects of beneficiation methods and beneficiation, the amount of metal recovered from the ore and the requirements for concentrates, the latter depending on the smelting used according to the permitted investment conditions of smelting. method.
The content of metal mineral iron and non-metal ore in iron ore is the amount of iron contained in iron-containing minerals. The full or partial recovery of such iron into the concentrate can ensure the requirements of the smelting method on the concentrate. The theoretical possible grade of metallic mineral iron in ore is determined by the most adequate recovery of metals from the ore under conditions where the quality characteristics of the concentrate are satisfactory.
The existing method is to recover the metal from the iron-containing mineral by partially transferring the gangue in the ore into the slag (blast furnace smelting method) or directly reducing the iron (metallization, direct iron making, powder metallurgy).
The blast furnace smelting method for recovering metals from iron ore minerals requires a certain minimum amount and a certain proportion of alkaline gangue and acid gangue in order to form slag. This non-metallic ore portion of the charge can be formed by adding a special flux and gangue in the concentrate, and the gangue in the concentrate is contained in the iron ore mineral in the form of impurities or iron. [next]
Therefore, the largest amount of iron in the concentrate that can be recovered from the ore smelting concentrate is the amount of iron ore minerals in the concentrate. The iron ore minerals contain gangue impurities or gangue-free impurities in an economically reasonable blast furnace. Under the smelting conditions, the conditions for forming the minimum slagging amount are determined to ensure the highest recovery rate of iron in the concentrate. At this time, the iron recovery rate of the concentrate can be considered as the ultimate allowable recovery rate in terms of the metallurgical treatment method. Because of the selection of ore and the metallurgical treatment of iron concentrates with iron grade and recovery rate, when the recovery rate is increased, it is not necessarily economically advantageous because of the increase in ore dressing costs, and economically reasonable concentrate iron grade should be used. As the best iron grade.
The best iron grade of the concentrate depends on the optionality, the mineral composition of the metal ore and gangue, the beneficiation process used, the production and investment costs of mining, beneficiation and agglomeration, the transportation use, the smelting conditions, and the rationality of the metallurgical plant. Ingredients and ore supply. For each iron ore deposit, the optimum beneficiation limits vary due to the above factors. For concentrates selected from magnetite quartzites from most deposits, the optimum beneficiation depth depends on the concentrate grade value, which is 66 to 68% when only concentrate is used in the charge; only some concentrates are used in the charge. The time is 69~70%. However, for blast furnace smelting, the best iron grade of the concentrate is always less than the iron content of the mineral (if the iron ore mineral itself does not contain gangue), because the concentrate should always contain a certain amount of gangue for slag formation. . This concentrate can be obtained by incompletely discharging the gangue into the tailings or recovering the iron-bearing minerals of the gangue (contained in the iron ore mineral composition) into the concentrate. In the latter case, it is possible to recover the iron-bearing metal belonging to the gangue (iron silicate, magnesium siderite, etc.) under relative conditions into the concentrate.
The definition of metallic mineral iron can also be expressed in the following manner, taking into account the optimum beneficiation depth value and the acquisition of metallic minerals and non-metallic mineral concentrates of a given composition: metallic mineral iron is a metal contained in ore or other products, All of this metal is recovered to ensure the equivalent of the best concentrate iron grade.
The iron content of the metal minerals in the ore can be calculated according to the amount of iron in the metal minerals and gangue minerals on the one side and the metal balance of the two sides in the total concentrate on the other side: [next] [next]
α H =α P (1-K C )
Determine the recyclable iron grade in the ore and consider the application of the selected beneficiation methods and processes, including re-election, roasting magnetic separation, flotation, and other methods. At this point, the iron grade in the concentrate takes the best iron grade.
Since the industry has not mastered the process of recovering many iron-bearing minerals (hematite, siderite, hydroxide, etc.), these minerals can only be used in the form of continuum with the main metal minerals in the concentrator – - Magnetite is recycled by the way.
The index for recovering weak magnetic minerals during magnetic separation is called the carrying coefficient K 3 and is the ratio of the total iron grade β o6 in the concentrate to the iron grade β M of the magnetite symbiosis: [next]