At a time when high food prices and agricultural issues are faced throughout the world, the dry climate in parts of Europe has threatened the growth of major crops such as wheat.

According to foreign media reports, the weather forecast for the rain on Thursday brought good news to parts of France. However, the rest of France is still in sunny skies and sunny weather.

The French government has announced restrictions on water use in one-third of the country. This week, the French Minister of the Environment Kosics-Moritz said that the situation is critical.

What is particularly worrying is the farmers. Dathan, a dairy farmer, told French television that the cows he raised could not find enough grass to grazing. The harvest of hay feed was one month earlier than the scheduled season and the production was only half of the previous year.

Poland, Austria, southern Germany, and the United Kingdom have also experienced arid climates and high temperatures in the spring.

Ignacio Beliz, a cereal analyst at the Paris Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, said that it is still early in the season. Although European wheat production accounts for one-fifth of the world's total, Europe's dry elephants have not yet hit the important food-producing regions of Ukraine and Russia.

Food prices soaring for the EU to seek solutions

However, Belize said that from a global point of view, the drought in Europe is enough to cause concern. He said, “The situation is worrying. But what is even more worrying is that due to the excessive demand for food in the world, we are in a period of high food prices and uncertain supply.”

Heavy rainfall in parts of the United States and Canada caused flooding. Western Australia and China suffered from crop damage due to drought. These situations also occur when global food demand rises and food prices rise.

The current situation may continue, especially if the warming of the Earth continues to affect the climate patterns in these areas. Belize believes that this is indeed the case.

He said, "If food safety becomes more and more of a global issue, if food production issues become more and more important, we must reformulate certain policies."

EU member states have always focused on improving the quality of agricultural products and the income of farmers. Belize said that now, they will also be committed to increase production and invest in water conservancy projects to prevent future arid climate.

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