LEDs were produced as early as the 1960s. 80s have been commonly used in household appliances, such as audio volume instructions, switch instructions. In the 1990s, some new domestic automotive instruments also used LED, mainly for charging instructions, and later there is the display of engine speed conditions, such as a combination instrument produced in Xiangfan, Hubei, a row of LED next to the odometer, When the driver stepped on the accelerator, the LED row lights were turned on from the bottom to the top. When the throttle was released, the LED row lights went out from top to bottom in turn, which was quite eye-catching. In the mid-1990s, China used LED to make high-position brake lights and install them on cars. Because the LED lights up quickly, car drivers who are behind the tail can know the driving conditions of the vehicles in front and reduce the occurrence of rear-end crashes.

Teach you how to maintain LED lights

The classification of LED lights: mainly divided into external lamps and internal lamps. Common lights include: headlights, turn signals, rear lights, fog lamps, rear lights, and so on. The following describes one by one the maintenance and use of each major lamp.

In general, as long as it is off, it means that the light bulb has been burned and must be replaced. But if it is not completely broken, but the brightness is reduced, the light is red and dim, it must not be taken lightly, because this may be a precursor to failure, and the reduced lighting capacity is also a major hidden danger of safe driving.

There are several reasons for the decrease in brightness. The most common is the astigmatism of the lamp's diffuser glass or mirror. The only thing that needs to be done is to remove the dirt with flannelette or lens paper. Another reason is that battery charging capacity is degraded, and insufficient power causes insufficient brightness. In this case, a new battery needs to be replaced. There is also a possibility that the lines are aged or the wires are too thin, resulting in an increase in resistance and thus affecting the power supply. This situation not only affects the operation of the light bulb, but severely leads to even a fire caused by the heat passing through the wire.

Various types of lamp maintenance methods:


In general, friends who normally turn on the car at night should consider replacing a pair of headlamps with higher brightness so that on dark nights, enough brightness can help you see all the details of the road surface. Can let you see further. If the premise permits, you can even replace a pair of xenon headlamps (hid). The xenon lamp not only has enough brightness and long life, but it also has a feature: the color temperature is very high, and the color temperature close to sunlight is also a protection for the driver's eyes.

Rear lights:

Do not underestimate the taillights, if the rear light failure, can easily lead to rear-end accidents. Generally speaking, as long as it is not a failure, the taillights are not much advanced. In addition to installing a transparent lamp case to increase the viewing quality, it is a good choice to replace the conventional lamp with an LED lamp. The LED not only has increased brightness, but also has a shorter response time. The traditional light bulb has been shortened, which means that when you step on the brake pedal, the LED brake light can shine earlier than an ordinary light bulb, allowing more time for the trailing vehicle.

Fog lights:

Fog lights are also often called spotlights. As the name implies, the main purpose of the fog lamp is to ensure the driver's sight in bad weather and ensure that others can see you. Now there are many manufacturers, the purpose of installing fog lamps is only to make the front bumper more beautiful, so The quality of the fog lamps selected was poor. As with the headlamps, in addition to replacing fog lamps that are bright enough, choosing a hidden fog lamp is also a good option.

Rear backlight:

Reversing in the dark is a real headache, especially for drivers with poor eyesight. The weak light of the original reversing lights is not much help. At this time you need a back-light. This is a kind of independent lamp installed in the middle or under the rear bumper. It will be automatically turned on after you hang up the reverse gear. Its strong brightness will make you reverse the night. Never worry about it again.

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