Detecting the atmosphere and chemical substances in the air can understand the environmental conditions and the presence or absence of dangerous goods. This work has always depended on sensors. However, various types of gas sensors developed at present, including new sensors developed using nanostructures, have caused people to feel unsatisfactory. Although they may adopt more advanced technology, they may be more functional in theory, but they lack practicality.

Whether it is the complex process of production, the high degree of difficulty in operation, or the harsh requirements of the environment in use, the utility of these sensors is greatly reduced in use. In addition, the cost is also an important factor. Using the latest technologies and complex processes make it expensive and expensive, and often cannot be reused. This also affects the promotion of these sensors in the market.

Recently, U.S. scientists developed a new type of sensor made of graphene foam. Although this type of sensor only has the size of a postage stamp, it has broken through the disadvantages of these sensors and has new functions and advantages compared with existing sensors. Can play an important role in gas detection and environmental detection.

The new sensor uses a single layer of carbon atoms, namely graphene. How to use graphene to make it special electrical and perform sensing tasks? In order to solve this problem, the scientists planted graphene on a nickel foam structure and then removed the nickel foam, leaving behind a foam-like graphene structure. The graphene foam structure can perform the sensing task well, not only small in size, but also very high in sensitivity.

How does the new sensor sense air? With the graphene foam structure, the sensor can absorb particles in the air, and these particles will have different effects on the resistance of the graphene foam. As long as the resistance is measured, the resistance can be used to determine what particles the foam absorbs. The sensor can also be reused because the graphene foam desorbs particles at a current of approximately 100 mA. At present, the scientists have carried out several fine-tunings on the sensor to prove its high performance and sensitivity, completely surpassing the current market's common products, and even up to about 10 times.

The tiny, low-cost, high-performance and sensitive sensors developed by scientists, and their low-requirement and reusable sensors, are a great breakthrough for both sensor and environmental detection applications. And development. Scientists hope to use this new type of graphene foam sensor to further develop high-performance handheld sensor devices.

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