Apparatus for amalgamation mainly has an outer plate and mixed with mercury amalgamation plate and tank mine operations to capture mercury (gold) or the like. The mercury-mixing plate is a piece of tile that is lapped and mounted on a wooden (or steel) inclined groove surface, so it is also called a mercury-mixing tank. Moreover, since the mercury-mixing tank realizes the amalgamation operation by means of the mercury-mixing plate, it is customarily referred to as plate-mixing mercury. The mercury mixing tank has a fixed mercury mixing tank and a vibrating mixing tank. Supply the mineral pool (or slurry distributor) with amalgam slurry. The box is a rectangular wooden box, and a small hole with a hole diameter of 30 to 50 mm is opened on one side of the mercury plate, so that the slurry flowing out of the wire is covered with the mercury plate. In order to make the slurry evenly cover the entire mercury plate, it is best to nail a movable diamond-shaped block in front of each hole for easy adjustment. Mercury (gold) traps are used to capture mercury and mercury paste lost from the slurry from mercury plates. After the mercury trap is placed in the mercury plate, the slurry slows down the flow rate here so that the mercury and heavy minerals separate from the gangue by the difference in specific gravity. The ascending flow rate of the slurry in the mercury trap is usually 30 to 60 mm ∕s. There are quite a few types of mercury traps. Figure 1 shows one of the simplest box-type mercury traps. The slurry flows from the mercury-mixing tank into the tank and flows back through the partition to flow from the overflow. Regularly remove mercury and mercury paste from the bottom of the tank. When the proportion of the material is large and the particles are coarse, in order to improve the mercury capture effect, a hydraulic mercury trap is often used. Figure 2 shows a type of hydraulic mercury trap. It adds water from the lower part of the mercury trap to cause pulsating water flow (150-200 times/min) to improve the stratification and separation of mercury and gangue. Figure 1 Box type mercury trap 1-slot; 2-separator; 3-mercury and mercury paste; 4-slurry overflow Figure 2 Hydraulic mercury trapping device 1. Mercury plate and its processing Amalgamation plates are typically 3 ~ 5mm thickness purple silver plated copper plate, but also useful, the latter less effective copper plate. Like silver-plated copper plates, sterling silver plates are resistant to mineral acids and sulfides and have non-staining properties. They can form silver amalgam after mercury is applied, which can buffer the friction of the slurry and easily maintain a uniform mercury surface. Practice has proved that the recovery rate of using them as amalgam sheet metal is 2% to 5% higher than that of copper plate. However, the price of sterling silver plate is expensive, the investment cost is large, and the surface of the sterling silver plate is smooth, the amount of mercury is insufficient, and the effect of mercury amalgamation is often not as good as that of silver plated copper plate. When using a copper plate to mix mercury, although the effect is poor, the silver plating process can be omitted, and the price is low. The copper plate is cut to the required size before use, and then annealed to make the surface loose and rough, and then grinded (mechanical or manual) with a raft or a grinding wheel to correct the non-flat surface or remove other defects. Finally, it is carefully washed with ammonium chloride or cyanide solution and rinsed with clean water. After a layer of mercury is sprayed on the working surface of the copper plate, mercury is mixed. The processing method of the silver plated copper plate includes: (1) Copper plate processing. Cut the copper plate into the required size, remove the surface oil stain by chemical method or heating method, and then use the raft to hit the flat surface. Finally, remove the burrs and marks on the copper plate with a wire brush and fine sandpaper and polish it before sending it to the plating. (2) Preparation of electroplating solution. The plating solution used was an aqueous solution of potassium silver cyanide. The raw material for preparing 100L plating solution is 5kg of electrolytic silver, 9-11kg of pure nitric acid (90%), 8-9kg of salt, 12kg of potassium cyanide (98%-99%), and distilled water to 100L. The basic reaction of plating solution preparation is: 2Ag+4HNO 3 AgNO 3 +NaCl AgCl+2KCN The plating solution is prepared by dissolving electrolytic silver in dilute nitric acid (nitric acid: water = 3:1) to prepare a silver nitrate solution, and then adding salt water to precipitate silver into silver chloride. Then, the precipitate was filtered, washed with water to neutrality, and dissolved in a potassium cyanide aqueous solution prepared in distilled water to prepare a plating solution containing 50 g of silver and 70 g of cyanide. (3) Silver plating on copper plates. Copper plated silver is usually carried out in an electrolytic cell lined with soft plastic in wood or reinforced concrete, or in a plating bath made of ceramic or hard plastic. The slots are rectangular and the size depends on the size and number of silver plated copper plates required. The mercury plate used in a gold mine in China is 1.2m long, 0.5m wide and uses a wooden plating tank with a length of 1.6m, a width of 0.8m and a height of 0.6m. Electroplating uses an electrolytic silver plate as an anode and is powered by a DC generator or a silicon rectifier. In China, it can also be powered by the 12V generator of Jiefang brand car. The operation was carried out under the conditions of a cell voltage of 6 to 10 V, an area current of 1 to 3 A/cm 2 , and a liquid temperature of 16 to 20 °C. The thickness of the silver plating on the copper plate is 10 to 15 μm. Second, the fixed type of mercury tank The fixed amalgamation tank is a non-moving amalgamation tank with three types of flat surface (Fig. 3), stepped and intermediate belt collecting grooves (Fig. 4). In China, the use of flat mercury tanks, while the foreign use of trapping trenches. The tank with the intermediate belt collecting groove has the function of trapping the coarse-grained monomer gold, but there is also a disadvantage that the ore siltation is unfavorable to the operation. The stepped fixed amalgamation tank is formed in a stepped shape with a height difference of 30 to 50 mm per section. The slurry is well mixed to avoid delamination by the drop of the slurry flow, and the monomer gold can enter the bottom layer and the surface of the mercury plate. Get in good contact. Figure 3 fixed mixing tank 1-bracket; 2-bed; 3-mercury plate (silver-plated copper plate); 4-slurry distributor; 5-side gang Figure 4: Fixed mercury tank with trapping groove 1-mercury plate; 2-bed surface; 3-bracket; 4-slurry distributor; 5-trapping groove; 6-side gang In order to facilitate silver plating and easy replacement and to facilitate gold-harvesting, the mercury-mixing plate is usually cut into blocks of 400-600 mm in width and 800-1200 mm in length, and is laid on the groove surface in a slanting direction in the inclined direction of the groove surface. The size of the amalgamation plate is mainly determined by the amount of ore processed per day, the ore content of the ore and the role of the amalgamation process in the gold selection process. Under normal conditions, the thickness of the slurry fluid on the amalgamation plate is 5-6 mm, and the flow rate is 0.5-0.7 m∕s. At this time, the mercury plate of 0.05-0.5 m 2 should be set for the daily treatment of 1 t ore. When different gold-bearing ores are mixed with mercury in different processes, the area of ​​mercury plate to be set per ton of ore per day is listed in Table 1. Table 1 Production quota of amalgamation plate [m 2 /(t·d)] The role of amalgamation in the process Ore content 10~15g Less than 10g Fine gold Crude gold Fine gold Crude gold Separate mercury mixing 0.4 to 0.5 0.3 to 0.4 0.3 to 0.4 0.2 to 0.3 After the amalgamation, the tailings are sent for sweeping 0.3 to 0.4 0.2 to 0.3 0.2 to 0.3 0.15~0.2 Cyanide or flotation of tailings after amalgamation 0.15~0.20 0.1 to 0.2 0.1 to 0.15 0.05~0.1 In production practice, the effect of the amalgamation plate depends mainly on the width of the mercury plate and not on the length of the mercury plate. The width of the mercury plate is appropriately larger, which makes the thickness of the slurry fluid on the surface of the plate thinner and evenly distributed, which is beneficial to the mercury amalgamation of gold. Since most of the gold is trapped at the front end of the mercury plate during amalgamation, it does not have much practical significance to increase the length of the mercury plate. Generally, when amalgam is used as an auxiliary device for internal amalgamation to capture mercury paste and mercury (gold), the mercury plate is about 5 to 6 m long. When the mercury amalgamation plate is used as an external amalgamation device, it is placed in the closed loop of the grinding machine and only the coarse gold is collected. The mercury plate length is 2 to 4 m. The slope of the amalgam plate is determined by the ore size and slurry concentration. When the ore is coarser and the slurry is thicker, the inclination should be larger, otherwise it should be smaller. Looking for a gold mine ball mill, the ore discharge size is 60% -0.074mm (200 mesh), the slurry concentration is 50%, and the mercury plate inclination angle is 10°. Another quartz vein type gold-copper grader has an overflow particle size of 55% to 60%, -0.074 mm (200 mesh), a slurry concentration of 30%, and a mercury plate inclination of 8°. Table 2 lists the slope of the mercury plate at different particle sizes and different pulp concentrations for ores having a density of 2.7 to 2.83 g∕cm 3 . When the other conditions are the same and the ore specific gravity increases, the inclination of the mercury plate should increase accordingly. If the ore density is 3.8 to 4.0 g/cm 3 , the slope of the mercury plate should be 1.2 to 1.25 times the value in the table. Table 2 Mercury plate inclination Grinding particle size Slurry solid ratio 3:1 4:1 6:1 8:1 10:1 15:1 Mercury plate tilt ∕% -10 twenty one 18 16 15 14 13 -20 18 16 14 13 12 11 -35 15 14 12 11 10 9 -65 13 12 10 9 8 7 -150 11 10 9 8 7 6 Vibrating amalgamation tanks have been used in foreign amalgamation practice. It can be used to treat sulphide ore with a fine particle size of less than 48-65 mesh and containing fine gold. This mercury plate has a large processing capacity and a daily processing capacity of 10 to 12 tons per square meter. There are two types of mercury plate placement: one is that the mercury plate is suspended on the tie rod; the other is the mercury plate is placed on the wooden (or steel) pillar (spring). The inclination is 10% to 12%. The mercury plate is driven by a cam arm or an eccentric wheel for lateral oscillation (rarely longitudinal oscillation), the swing amplitude is 25 mm, reciprocating 160 to 200 times per minute, and the power consumption is 0.36 to 0.56 kW. Fourth, the operation of the mercury board In the gold feeding process, the amalgam plate is mainly used to recover the coarse gold directly from the ball mill discharge. Under this circumstance, the recovery rate of gold in many mines is 60% to 70%, and a gold mine has received coarse gold with a particle size of 1.5 to 2.0 mm in practice. In other mines, amalgam is used to recover gold from the overflow of the classifier after grinding. In the latter configuration, the recovery rate of mercury amalgamation is low, and some mines only reach 30% to 45%. In order to increase the recovery rate of mercury amalgamation, it is necessary to increase the operation and management level of the mercury plate and strictly control various major factors affecting the operation of the mercury plate. Under normal circumstances, the main factors affecting the effect of mercury amalgamation (see factors affecting amalgamation http://). Here, the operational points of the ore size, slurry concentration and pH, slurry flow rate, mercury addition time and mercury addition, mercury scraping time and mercury amalgamation prevention are described as follows: (1) The size of the ore. The feed size of the mercury plate is usually 0.42 to 3.0 mm. If the particle size is too large, not only the gold particles are difficult to be dissociated from the ore, but also the large ore particles easily scratch the surface of the mercury plate, causing the loss of mercury and mercury paste. For ores containing fine gold, the ore size can be as small as 0.15 mm. (2) Concentration of pulp. The commonly used pulp concentration is preferably 10% to 25% solids. If the concentration is too large, fine gold is difficult to settle and affect the mercury amalgamation; if the concentration is too small, the production efficiency of the mercury plate will be reduced. However, in some joint process operations, the slurry concentration is often used to meet the concentration requirements of the next operation, so sometimes a slurry containing 50% solids is used. (3) Mineral acidity and alkalinity. Mercury is mixed in an acidic medium, and the surface of mercury and gold particles is clean, which can promote the wetting of gold by mercury and increase the yield. However, in the acidic medium, the slime is not easy to aggregate and smear the gold particles, which affects the wetting of gold by mercury. Therefore, the mercury is mostly carried out in an alkaline medium having a pH of 8.0 to 8.5. (4) Slurry flow rate. The flow rate of the slurry on the mercury plate must be compatible with the thickness of the slurry on the mercury plate. When the flow rate is 0.5-0.7 m, the thickness of the slurry should be 5-8 mm. Otherwise, the slurry on the mercury plate will be thinned due to the large flow rate of the slurry (especially when the ore is fixed), and the heavy metal sulfide will be deposited on the mercury plate, which will deteriorate the amalgam operation conditions. And the large slurry flow rate will also reduce the gold capture rate. (5) Adding mercury time and adding mercury. According to China's production practice, the initial mercury injection amount of mercury plate is 15~30g/m 2 after the production is put into operation; and the mercury is added once after 6~12h. The amount of mercury added per time is in principle 2 to 5 times the gold content of the ore. The number of mercury additions is usually 2 to 4 times a day. After a gold mine in the former Soviet Union changed the number of mercury additions from two times a day to six times, the recovery rate of gold amalgamation operations increased by 18% to 30%. In short, the amount of mercury added and the number of times of mercury addition depends on the fact that a sufficient amount of mercury should be maintained throughout the amalgamation cycle, so that the gold particles are always in contact with mercury throughout the process of slurry flow. Excessive amount of mercury will reduce the consistency and adhesion of the mercury paste, which will easily lead to the loss of mercury paste and mercury with the slurry; if the amount of mercury is insufficient, the mercury paste will be in the form of solid solution and lose the "wetting" and reduce the ability to capture gold. (6) Time for scraping mercury. In some mines, mercury is scraped before each mercury is added, that is, the time of the paste is the same as the time of adding mercury. Many mines in our country scrape the mercury paste once in each job class. Stop the ore before scraping the mercury paste, rinse the mercury plate, and scrape the mercury paste with a hard rubber plate. In order to facilitate the scraping of mercury, some foreign mines take the first heating of the mercury plate, and then the scrape is softened and then scraped; in some mines in China, some mercury is sprinkled on the mercury plate before the mercury is scraped to soften the mercury paste. (7) Elimination of mercury amalgamation. In amalgamation operations, failures often occur due to improper operation, resulting in loss or reduction of the ability to capture gold in the amalgamation process. The manifestations of faults and their prevention (elimination) methods are: 1. The mercury paste is hard. Often due to insufficient mercury, the mercury paste is in a solid solution state, causing the mercury plate to dry out and the mercury paste to be hard. It should be checked frequently, and the right amount of mercury can be eliminated immediately. 2. Micronization of mercury. Mercury recovered by distillation sometimes produces micronization. Mercury that produces micronized particles cannot be spread evenly after being thrown into the mercury plate, and it is easy to lose mercury (gold) with the loss of the slurry during operation. For this type of mercury, sodium should be carefully added to the mercury before use to allow the mercury particles to aggregate before use. 3. The pulverization of mercury. Sulfur and sulfide in the ore will be pulverized by the action of mercury, and black spots will be formed on the mercury plate to lose the gold-capturing ability of the mercury plate. When sulfide ores containing arsenic, antimony, bismuth, this effect is particularly evident. Oxygen in the slurry oxidizes the mercury and produces red or yellow-red marks on the mercury plate. Chemicals are often used abroad to eliminate such failures. In China, more mines use 1 to increase the amount of lime to suppress sulfides, 2 to increase the amount of mercury added, to make excess mercury and pulverized mercury flow together, 3 to increase the slurry flow rate, and let the particles rub the spots on the mercury plate. . When the ore is a gold-bearing polymetallic sulfide ore, the gold-containing sulfides often adhere to the mercury plate, which deteriorates the amalgamation operation. Increasing the amount of lime and increasing the pH of the slurry (sometimes up to 12 or more) can eliminate this undesirable phenomenon. When scraping mercury, it is effective to leave a thin layer of mercury paste on the mercury plate to prevent the occurrence of amalgamation failure. 4. Oil pollution. Pay special attention to the operation of mixing the oil, because the oil will deteriorate the process of mixing mercury, and even if it is serious, the mercury mixing operation will be interrupted. Solar Dc Inverter Air Conditioner Solar Dc Inverter Air Conditioner,Solar Air Conditioner,Inverter Air Conditioner,Solar Powered Air Conditioner Yinchuan Aini Industry And Technology CO.,ltd , 2AgNO 3 +2H 2 O+2NO 2
AgCl+NaNO 3
KAg(CN) 2 +KCl
Third, vibrating type mercury mixing tank