Benzocyclobutene And Its Derivatives integrated circuits,electronic packaging,Benzocyclobutene And Its Derivatives,integrated circuits,electronic packagingBenzocyclobutene Polymer,Benzocyclobutene Synthesis,Bcb Polymer Dielectric Chemtarget Technologies Co., Ltd. , The "Five-Year Plan" is part of China's national economic plan. It is mainly aimed at making plans for major national construction projects, distribution of productive forces, and important proportions of the national economy, and sets targets and directions for the prospects of national economic development. The first "five-year plan" was carried out in China from 1953 and it has now entered the "12th Five-Year Plan" period.
The instrumentation industry has also evolved continuously and has continued to show new trends. Looking back at the period from the “Tenth Five-Year Plan†to the “Twelfth Five-Year Planâ€, many achievements have been made in the instrumentation industry.
Although China's instrumentation started late, it has formed a more comprehensive production, research and marketing system after the rapid development during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period. During the "10th Five-Year Plan" period, China has focused on the development of eight categories of instrumentation to adjust product structure, including industrial automation instruments, electrical instrumentation, scientific test instruments, environmental protection instrumentation, instrumentation components, medical instruments, and information technology electrical measuring instruments. Cutting-edge measuring instruments. This has made great progress in China's instrumentation.
With China's successful accession to the WTO during the “10th Five-Year Plan†period, the import and export volume of China's instrumentation industry has increased substantially, especially with a significant increase in the number of exports. In 2003, China became the second largest instrumentation production in Asia. The country is second only to Japan. After entering the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, China's instrumentation paid more attention to the development of the high-tech industry, and the medical equipment and instrumentation manufacturing industry witnessed a significant increase.
Entering the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's instrumentation has entered a stage of rapid development, the scale of the industry has continued to expand, product varieties are more complete, achieving an annual average of 20% of ultra-high-speed growth, and the profit rate also showed rapid growth. Although the global financial crisis during 2008 caused a certain impact on the development of China's instrumentation industry, the import and export deficit exceeded 10 billion US dollars. However, in 2009, the compound growth rate of China's instrumentation industry reached 8.88%, and in 2010 it achieved an industrial output value of 808.5 billion yuan.
The development of instrumentation in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period was mainly due to the rapid development of China's national economy. With the deepening of the integration of the two, it brought great market demand and development space for instrumentation. In addition, the technical level of China's instrumentation industry has been significantly improved, market share has been continuously improved, and the strength of local companies has begun to appear, which also promotes the rapid development of the instrumentation industry.
Entering the new period of the “Twelfth Five-Year Planâ€, China’s instrumentation industry is facing numerous opportunities, such as the development of new energy sources such as wind power, nuclear power, and solar energy, the construction of the Internet of Things, smart grids, high-speed rail and rail transit, and the reduction of energy consumption and low carbon The trend of new ideas, such as emission reduction, has made instrumentation and instrumentation a broader application and market demand. With the development of microelectronics, computers, networks, and communication technologies, the intelligent development of instrumentation has become the mainstream trend. Therefore, in the “12th Five-Year Plan†period, China will focus on the development of smart instrumentation, advance into the high-end field, and promote the overall industry. Level up.